Digital Drawing - Light of Life.

in Sketchbook2 years ago


What's up people, how are you? welcome to a new post, I hope you like it, I've been practicing the theme of dynamic lights, I leave you with the process.

Que pasa gente, como estan? sean bienvenidos a un nuevo post, espero les guste, estoy estuve practicando el tema de las luces dinamicas, los dejo con el proceso


Process / Proceso

Once I have the sketch ready I start painting the skin with basic colors and slightly blurring the colors around the face, little by little I'm going to give the depth and brightness needed in a face.

Una vez tengo listo el boceto comienzo a pintar la piel con colores basicos y difuminando ligeramente los colores al rededor de la cara, poco a poco le voy a dando la profundidad y el brillo necesario en una cara.





After shading the face, add the shimmers and shadows on the face to give it a more realistic look, in turn I also worked on the painting on the eyes to give a nice semi realistic look.

Despues de sombrear la cara, añadir los brillos y sombras en la cara para darle un aspecto mas realista, a su vez tambien trabaje el pintado en los ojos para dar un buen aspecto semi realista.




After finishing the bases of the skin I started to work the hair with the necessary care to give a realistic look in the painting, leaving some light sides in order to give a good effect of brightness in the hair, finally I worked the shines in the face and hair in addition to some effects on the face.

Despues de terminar las bases de la piel comence a trabajar el pelo con el cuidado necesario para dar un aspecto realista en el pintado, dejando unos lados claros con la finalidad de dar un buen efecto de brillo en el pelo, de ultimo trabaje los brillos en la cara y en el pelo ademas de unos efectos en la cara.






This was the whole post, see you next time.

Este fue todo el post, hasta la proxima.


I wasn't expecting THAT MUCH deepness within her eyes 💛
I find it amazing how you could capture so much in them. They are mesmerizing, telling their own life story, sorrow, hope. As if she was looking through me and, now, she knows me well without me saying a single word!

In other words, beautiful painting! What do you use to make your digital art?

Thank you very much @neyxirncn I love your comment, I'm glad that my painting transmit you those emotions, as a drawing program I use paint tool sai and a huion pro v2 tablet.

Thank you for responding me as well ❤✨

Your works are always great !!! I love the light cast on the face , looks good! Keep it up boss

Thank you so much @artsbreezy01!!!!

You’re welcome @brataka

Totally beautiful 💜

Nice art, you have well transcribed the light and the depth of her eyes 😊

Gusta 👍