First Post After A Year On Hiatus - Recent Portrait Drawings

in Sketchbook3 years ago (edited)

Hi all, this is my first post on PeakD. Like so many others I was active on Steemit for a couple of years and then life happened so I sort of drop off the radar for a year. Not that I was very active back then but I stopped posting. Since my last post, a lot of changes happened on Steemit that I wasn't aware of. Anyway, here I am making a comeback to blogging on this 'new' platform.

A lot happened in my life in the past year. I was very sick on top of dealing with the fears of Covid19, like everyone else on the face of this planet. But I am not going to share about all those things here, at least not now.

I just want to share some of my recent work. I did quite a lot of portrait commission since late last year and just completed my last portrait in May. I am currently on a hiatus but will continue to take new portrait bookings probably after July.

Here are some of my favorite drawings (from recently) ;)

Feel free to give me a follow. I will post mainly on my art and reflections on my Bible readings, and perhaps occasionally on mental health and fitness journey stuff.







I'm happy to see you here again! Beautiful portraits, really well done! ^_^

Thank you so much Silvia. I am still figuring out the site though. Everything is new and not familiar yet :)

Very nice portraits. Nice to have you here! !BEER

Hey @coloringiship, here is a little bit of BEER from @lxsxl for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Welcome back!

Thank you! It's been awhile ;)

great drawings 👍 very realistic

Welcome back to #hive.