Go. And If You Are Scared, Go Scared

in Sketchbook2 years ago


My art today is inspired by a Green Renaissance video I watched recently. Green Rennaissance is my favorite Youtube channel that features mini, short documentaries about everyday people and centers their topics on the wisdom of life. Here is a description from their channel...

Through our films, we explore what it means to be human - we share conversations with ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We’ve always said that if each film touches just one person, fills them with a bit more hope, or leaves them feeling more inspired, then it has achieved its goal.

You can watch the documentary that inspires my painting:

I highly encourage you watch a video or two and I am sure you will feel inspired too :)

And the quote on my painting is taken from a Brazilian proverb, as mentioned in the video.

Courage To Give It A Try

It's about courage. Regardless of what endeavors you are attempting in life be it a relationship, a career, whatever...it all needs courage. And the essence of this quote is to encourage us to be courageous. The fear of the unknown will never go away. Fear is a part of us, but we should never let fear has the final say in our decisions. Go with fear, don't let it stop you.

For me personally, I have a lot of fears (who doesn't?). And one of them is to keep pursuing art. Why am I drawing? For whose benefit? What is the purpose of my art? Am I any good? These are some of the questions I am grappling with now and then when doubts started to set in, the dreaded "imposter syndrome" or perceived fraudulence. But I try not to let it stop me and just go ahead because I figure I have a message to share with the world just like everyone else's. A message/lesson/wisdom gleaned from my own unique perspective in life. So yeah, I am "going", though I am going with fears by my side.

Progress Photos

This was painted on my mini watercolor sketchbook.







  • Acid free 300gsm watercolor paper
  • Watercolors
  • Color pencils
  • Watercolor markers
  • White Sakura gelly roll pen
  • 0.4 black fineliners
  • 1.0 black marker

This mini painting is available on merch at my Redbubble shop here

Thank you for visiting and reading my post. I hope you like it!


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Beautifully done.

thank you. Glad you liked it :)