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RE: Realistic digital portrait - The first attempt / リアル人物画 - 初トライ

in Sketchbook3 years ago

This is fantastic!

You did a fantastic job. It looks exactly like the original photo. There is more of a softness that makes your picture look cuter. Very well done.

You know, I don't know if you will laugh but I see hints of Gatchaman in this face (the woman on the team, obviously). It's quite realistic, but something about the curve of the face and the intensity of the eyes makes me think of Gatchaman (I don't watch anime a lot, actually, but a neighbor loaned us his DVD set of Gatchaman and my oldest son loves it, so I see it sometimes. Even more I hear him singing だれだだれだだれだ from another room, trying to imitate Masato Shimon's deep voice).


Thank you so much!!!
Hahaha! I knew exactly which one you were talking about, right away! Omg...Gatchaman! It must be the eyes😆 I used to watch Gatchaman as a kid.
It is so awesome of your neighbour loading you up with the DVD.
I used to sing that song as well. So nice to hear your son is singing as well!