Sketch A Day - Patch / パンプキンパッチ

in Sketchbook3 years ago


Hello everyone!

I’m not quite sure if I got out of my art block yet. I can’t seem to work on things that I want. The things that usually take long hours to complete.
I'm afraid that if I take a break from drawing, I might stop drawing altogether. So I decided to get a help from an app called Sketch A Day.
Sketch A Day is a platform that is made for artists like me. The app gives you a new prompt every day. We draw and post. You can give likes and comments as well.
I think having a prompt is a great idea.
I'll leave the link for my account below.

I decided not to spend more than 30 minutes. I would like to avoid the situations that I get too busy with it and end up not having time for bigger art projects. This will count the time thinking of what to draw and looking for some references a well. So, I need to think quick. If I couldn’t come up with something, that’s ok. I will just try next day.
Today's prompt was "Patch". I made a colour sketch of a Pumpkin patch.
The prompt yeasterday was "Crispy". I made a pencil sketch of a crispy apple.
I hope you like them.

Sketch A Dayというアプリです。このアプリ、毎日新しいお題を出してくれます。そのお題にそって絵を描き投稿します。いいねやコメントも出来て、インスタグラムみたいです。

さてさて、Sketch A Dayのお題にそってお絵描きをするに私のルール。30分以上時間を描けない!これだけに気を取られて、本当に描きたいものを描く時間がなくなってしまうと困ります。何を描くか考えて、参考資料を見つけるのも含めて30分で描く!ちょっと忙しいですが、描けなくても良しとして、後日またトライする。このくらいの気持ちで取り組もうと思います。
今日のお題は“Patch“ でしたのでパンプキンパッチを描きました。


Tools used: iPad, Apple Pencil, Clip Studio/Procreate, Reference
画材:iPad、アップルペンシル、Clip Studio/Procreate、資料参考


That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




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It's okay to take a break, but never quit... ^_^ We've been through this a lot of times for the past years, sis... hahahaha xDDD

I've been through too many times. I hated that feeling of I want to draw but I don't feel like drawing or don't know what to draw. I hope the prompt will give me some sort of relief.