🧙Drawing Minerva mcgonagall 🧙|HARRY POTTER | @dloreantdisenos

in Sketchbook2 years ago

Drawing in caricature|Actress

Minerva McGonagall | Harry Potter

Hello to all the friends who visit my Post- All the content is exclusive to my property, my art, my talent :) and I want to share it with all of you ❤️


MY DRAWING | Place: My House


Minerva McGonagall | Photo taken from Pinterest

Why did I want Minerva McGonagald? Well, I currently teach drawing classes and I believe that teachers are the first trainers of their students' skills, the essence of the knowledge we acquire and the cloth that polishes the skills that children acquire. That's why I chose this teacher.

It seems to me that this beautiful teacher, who started at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry and advanced in her studies becoming deputy headmistress of hogwarts and fought in several battles where she was the leader against Lord Voldemort.

She is a very wise woman and worthy of admiration for all the things you knew the character required.




All the photos taken below were captured in Mi Casa

Step 1:

I painted the eyes light blue with a bit of black and highlighted them with black.


Step 2:

I was adding the tone of the face with a very soft flesh color because it had wrinkles and it is the most characteristic detail of her face.


Step 3:

For the wrinkles I used gold and brown to combine wrinkles and shadows and so I was applying and blending in the eye area and the face so that it looked wrinkled.


Step 4:

Use pink for the lips and some parts of the face such as the cheeks and forehead and start with a light green color for the background of the teacher's clothes.


Step 5:

I painted the clothes in two shades of green and details with black, as for the hair I used soft black to simulate the gray of the gray hair, and intense black for the black hair and the shadows; I painted the hat with purple, blue and green and some blue and purple marker details.


This is how my drawing turned out, I hope you like it, I painted it with love for you. ❤️⭐


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I feel happy to be able to share my art with all of you ❤️

My name is Germain Dloreant. @dloreantdisenos, you can see My presentation in OCD

My presentation in NeedleWorkMonday
see you in another creative opportunity. ⭐🥇

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