My Next Character Drawing and story for my Animal Series: Mrs. Ida Acorn

in Sketchbook7 months ago

Ida Acorn waiting anxiously at the train platform, she hoped not to catch the eye of her son Enoch who was porter there.

She had on her Sunday best and a new bonnet in the hopes of impressing her possible new employer, the new lady come to the district. Tho, there'd been rumors of it in servant's halls and gossip over fences for some time that the old Manor was to be taken up again, one never knew what sort of people they'd be.

"I'd bet it'll be a load of Riff Raff come with pockets full of new money", her husband, Silas had grumbled. She'd hoped not, for her trying for the position as Housekeeper could set him off if not done right.

Then there was her son, Enoch, to contend with; he'd not be happy about his mother taking on such employment. He was of the 'modern' ideals that to be a lowly servant was a degradation. Yet, he and his generation thought nothing of working for the large railroads or big factories, where one didn't know their boss, so how could they respect them or feel pride in their position. It seemed rather cold to her mind and where was the dignity in that?

No matter how you sliced it, someone would be upset if she were to get the position. And gosh, she did hope to get the position, it'd be an honor. And having not worked in a big house since her marriage, she'd only ever made it to second housemaid, but she hoped for a chance.

Ida Acorn waiting nervously on the the little trap, hoping to be delivered in time to the old Manor house. She could see the new owner, a Lady for sure, and she saw her ladies maid, a creature one had had to deal with in the past.

"An odd breed, ladies' maids" Ida thought, recalling her youth as second housemaid at lady SoftPaws. Many a time the other staff would grow quiet when her lady's maid would enter, as she was often a conduit from servant gossip to Lady SoftPaw herself; One never trusted a Lady's maid below stairs.

If she got the position, she'd have to get used to the politic of downstairs once again. Yet, it all seemed rather exciting.

Of course, she loved their little cottage on the estate and was honored when having married Silas, she was allowed to be come wife and mother. Tending her little garden and raising Enoch was her proudest accomplishment, but he'd grown and Silas was, well, Silas, busy with his trappings in the Snug, so she was excited to try a new adventure at this stage in her life.

Well, she'd know soon enough if her life were about to change, as here came Old John Mossfoot to take her out to the old manor in his little trap. Fingers crossed she'd get the position, then dealing with her husband and her son would come next.

Ida Acorn illustration before color is added.

If you enjoyed Ida's story, read about her son ENOCH here and about her husband SILAS here and the stories of her possible new Employer Lady Soft-Pelt here. and of course the Lady's maid she'll have to contend with Here. I'm having fun with their stories.

I do love a GIF so here are the layers building up of Ida Acorn.

gifmaker_me (6).gif

I hope you enjoyed my character today and her little story. I'm having such fun with them and now their stories are inter-mingling which I'd not planned but am happy to have had happen.

The joy of just creating these creatures and their stories for the happiness of the moment rather than an idea of an overall large story has freed me to really have fun with them.

I'm glad to have got her out today as well, as my new posting schedule of MWF has been met, tho I thought I'd miss it as yesterday we were without internet all day. It was an annoyance at first, but gosh how quickly I happily slip back into the Before Times when internet was not a thing. The world opens up a bit more despite it being Less connected.

I wonder how easily I'd slip happily back into an unplugged world, tho the connection of the internet is also a boon for an introvert like myself. Not having to BE in places to sell art is heaven to an introverted hermit. But, I digress, I did finish my story and drawing and here we are on Wednesday tho a bit later posting in the day then I'd hoped (it's gone past 6 am here)


Thank you for joining me today and indulging me in reading my little story, I hope you find a moment in your day to indulge in your own passions and until next time, remember to stay creative.

If you'd like to follow my Work Here are some Links:

My Ladies with Pets Series as prints and on things

Bunny Portraits



Excelente dibujo, me gustó.

muchas gracias

No hay de que

You're so good, the illustration of Mrs Acorn gives me some nostalgic feel.. I feel like a kid again looking at the art and reading her story, I can imagine the scenes play out already

Thank you @reggiesart I'm glad she proud you some nostalgia :) That makes me smile :)

It's really a beautiful story, dear Donna! It reminds me some old novels of my childhood and Mrs Acorn is really an awesome character! Well done, as usual! ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you so much @silviabeneforti I'm so happy you like it :) I'm having fun filling up this little world with my characters.

You write so well that I look forward to your posts now,it's such an interesting story. I legit hope she gets she job, I want a little drama😀

Gosh, thank you so much @leeendah and we shall see if she get's the job ;) I'm hopeful.