My first art- My sketch world

in Sketchbook4 years ago (edited)

If it’s dark, she’ll be the light
If it’s hard, she’ll be the knight
She can be anything and everything
Yes she’s a mother

Hello everyone,

Starting with a simple question - isn’t sketching a stress buster…well for me it is

With this, here is my artwork based on zentangle, mehandi design and doodle concept showing the purest form of love - mother (she is love). It is made using Brustro Technical Pens (Water based and water resistant) the pen tip ranging from 0.1 to 0.8.


I started drawing the face of mother and child and then the details of zen art in there surrounding these beautiful faces with a 2B HB pencil. After rough completion of the surrounded area and faces with pencil, I started with the Brustro Pens. First of all, I outlined the whole sketch with the help of these pens (the pen tip ranging from 0.1 to 0.8). Thereafter, came the filling part showing each and every detail of zen art with proper light and dark shades, lines and design adding creativity and perfection to this art. For the darker shade, I used pen of 0.5 to 0.8 pen tip; for very lighter area, I used pen of 0.1 to 0.2 pen tip; and for other normal fillings, I used pen of 0.3 to 0.4 pen tip. Then, I went ahead completing the face and hairs of mother with 0.2 tip pen and giving the final touch up to the sketch. Finally, it’s completed with all the efforts and pen downs.

So, isn’t the complete drawing showing her unconditional love and care towards us…. Definitely it is. The peace that we get being with her is nowhere else. And believe me, her love in real life is more wonderful and powerful than we are visualizing here.

Material used-

  1. Brustro Technical Pens
  2. 2B HB Pencil

Drawing face and outlins of the art-

Outling with Brustro pens-

Completing the designs with pencil and then outlining it with a pen-

Started filling the designs various tip pens-

Filling the designs further step by step from picture 5 to picture 7-



Completion of zentangle fillings-

Completed the details in face and hairs and giving final touch up to the sketch. Finally, it's completed-

Source Credit:


The image you posted is the primary source of value for your post or you have posted an image in a curated and/or artistic tag (photography, art, etc.) without attribution or source. By doing so you are claiming to be the sole content creator and that the image is original to yourself.

Plagiarism is the copying & pasting of others work without giving credit to the original author or artist. This includes manually reproducing the work of others, which violates their intellectual property rights.

Repeated plagiarism is considered fraud. Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.

As I already mentioned that I am new on hive so I did not know about giving the source credit of a drawing of what I made. Though it is very similar to the one in source credit, I posted in here what I made myself giving my time in it. Plus I have also edited the post and mentioned the source credit in it later when I came to know about such a thing. I mentioned it earlier also that it was not with an intention of plagism.

  1. You didn't make this drawing. You copied it (plagiarised).
  2. Being new or old on Hive has nothing to do with the case.
    Knowledge that stealing someone's work and pretending to be the author is morally inferior has been known for thousands of years.
    It is hard to understand why would someone think that it would be acceptable on Hive and why would even someone think that they can use excuse of being "new" to do so.

I don't think it's plagiarism after mentioning the source. I am not pretending to be the original author. If I had such intention, I would not have edited my post to include the source link. You need to go through my post again just to see that original author's reference is mentioned in there. By the word "new", I meant that I did not know about mentioning the source, when I got to know about this, I edited my post as you can see in my post.

Is it a plagiarism even after giving credit to the original author in the post? I want to know.

@spaminator if you have so much of time to downvote even my query for which I just need an answer just to get aware about the policies so that you do not put a plagiarism tag on me again, then why don't you answer my question. To all those who have downvoted and commented in my post saying plagiarism, I need an answer for a simple query- Is it plagiarism even after giving full credit to the original author? You all had time to comment negative on my post when you did not know the actual reason that I seriously did not know about giving credit and even corrected it on being pointed out. Speak up now. I have given credit now. I corrected my mistake as soon as my resource credits were revived so that I do not break any terms of your policy. So, is it a plagiarism now also? @spaminator , @hivewatchers and other hive users rather than giving a downvote again, give me the answer. Is this the way you tell your policies to a person by being silent when I have corrected my mistake as per your terms and keep on commenting and commenting wen you did not know the reason that I was out of resource credits, so was not able to mention source credit to correct my post. Is this the way you answer a new hiver's general query, by giving a downvote? No answer to my query (which I need to know so that I continue in future again). No reply from anyone now. Just a downvote even for a simple question.

@spaminator again downvoted without even reading my comment and answering my query. I don't think asking a query is a plagiarism in your language. How many of you think so?

Well this is nice for a first art work ,I like the zentangke fillings .

Well this is nice for a first art work ,I like the zentangle fillings .

You can cross-post to a community on peakd rather than repeating a post. Duplication is discouraged, but I hope people will forgive you this time.

It might be plagisme according to Jaguar :/

So why doesn't he tell them directly? It's not exactly the same, so may have been heavily influenced and if so then that needs to be made clear. Being influenced by another artist is not a crime, but when it is so similar then the influence should be acknowledged. I play covers of songs by other artists and so do many other musicians. Is that the same?

Because @jaguar.force is a fraud :D
If people stop doing what he consider plagism, he dont have anything to write about :D

I have confirmed this is a copy that is not by the original artist and she is not happy about it. This person needs to give her credit and be more original.

Jaguar could have done that.

It's the best way to check. I could see it was not an exact copy (unlike Jag) and so wanted to be sure.

!hw ban

Art plagiarism.

Okay, we get that. Just don't be so hard on a brand new user. Not everyone gets what may seem obvious to you. This person has apologised and I hope they will learn from this, but now they have a crap rep from the start to recover from. They obviously have some talent, but need to learn what is acceptable. Scaring people away is not helpful.

My hive resource credits just got revived and I have duly mentioned the source link in both the posts. And, about repeating a post (my own post), it was only with an intention to share it another community. I'll cross post or reblog it from next time. Also, I'll mention the source credit if it is an inspiration from another post. So, I hope the plagism and duplicacy matters are closed now and this post will not be a problem in future again so that I can continue posting on hive. Please give me an assurance so that I can continue on hive. I hope you understand why I am asking for an assurance. May I also request to take off the downvotes by respective users, if possible.

I have no influence over those who downvoted you. You will just have to work on recovering your reputation and get rewards on new posts. Look into the art communities and contests to get seen and build connections. Have fun with it.

I saw you added a link to the artist who inspired you, but given that this was a close copy I think it might be better to start the post saying that they inspired your drawing. I am not one who attacks artists, but some people may think otherwise.

Nice to hear from you Steve.