Portrait study 12

in Sketchbooklast year

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great start to the week. I'm back to share another one of my finished works. This is a female portrait study. I am applying to perfect every day more and more the understanding of the volumetry of the human face and understand how color works to apply it correctly.


The technique used for this painting is still mixed media. I really like using this technique because I feel comfortable and interesting effects are achieved by integrating hand drawing with digital coloring.

The line art.


A little bit of the process.


The coloring consists of synthetically interpreting the overlapping color spots to form the volumetry of the face. Practice and practice.

Well friend this has been my delivery of today I hope to be soon again with you. Thanks for your attention.


I loved your portrait, you placed the light very well. Greetings, @essendi 🤗!

Hello Thank you! I'm glad you like it, I try to improve every day so I can make a living from my work.