'Bearded Jobs': My Scribble Drawing

in Sketchbook2 years ago

Bearded Steve Jobs6.png

I found this really cool portrait photo of a Steve Jobs look alike. I honestly think it's him so I named it 'Bearded Jobs'.
The making process was delicate and up until the end, I didn't know what I was arriving at. I wanted to at first only make a scribble drawing of the fave but the. An idea struck me as per the moustache and sideburns by his left. After doing that, the other parts looked missing and I just went all in on it.

I had to darken the background to make the sketch more visible and reduce the amount of layers. Feel free to drop pointers below if you have any.... I'd be more than happy to receive them..

Bearded Steve Jobs6.png

These are the outlines.....
Bearded Steve Jobs.png

Bearded Steve Jobs1.png

Bearded Steve Jobs2.png

Bearded Steve Jobs3.png

Bearded Steve Jobs4.png

Bearded Steve Jobs5.png

Bearded Steve Jobs6.png

Thanks for the visit friends.


Está excelente tu trabajo, tienes mucho talento. Éxitos amigo.

Thanks 🙏

You really went in down in details to scribble.. it's lovely.

I had no other choice, the brush was soft and I felt like it would really spell out what I intended.

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