🎨🖌️ Pintura en acuarela. Buscando una limonada fría / 🎨🖌️ Watercolor painting. Looking for a cold lemonade

in Sketchbook9 months ago
Saludos gente creativa, espero que todos esten muy bien. Tenía mucho tiempo sin publicar en esta comunidad aunque siempre la visito para disfrutar de la variedad de propuestas artísticas que aquí se comparten.

Greetings creative people, I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't posted in this community for a long time, although I always visit it to enjoy the variety of artistic proposals that are shared here.

Personalmente he estado concentrada en otras actividades creativas y tenía un poquito abandonado el dibujo pero ya lo retomé jejeje así que para hoy les traigo un trabajo en acuarela. Me inspiré en una foto simpática y alegre que encontré en una revista y que me pareció muy divertida.

Personally, I have been focused on other creative activities and I had abandoned drawing a little but I have already taken it up again hehehe so for today I bring you a work in watercolor. I was inspired by a nice and happy photo that I found in a magazine and that I thought was very funny.

Les muestro el paso a paso de esta pintura que titulé: Buscando una limonada fría 🥤🍋. Para hacer esta pintura utilicé, cartulina, lápiz, borra, una regla, acuarelas, pinceles, marcadores de color negro, marrón, gris y cobre, marcador punta fina negro y pintura al frío blanca para algunos puntos de luz.

I show you the step by step of this painting that I titled: Looking for a cold lemonade 🥤🍋. To make this painting I used cardboard, pencil, rubber, a ruler, watercolors, brushes, black, brown, gray and copper markers, a black fine tip marker and white paint for some highlights.


*Paso 1: lo primero obviamente es hacer el boceto de nuestro dibujo. Lo hice de noche y la luz artificial de la sala no es muy potente así que la foto no salió muy nítida. Luego de terminarlo lo guardé durante varios meses.

*Step 1: the first thing is obviously to make the sketch of our drawing. I did it at night and the artificial light in the room is not very powerful so the photo didn't come out very clear. After finishing it I kept it for several months.




*Paso 2: mucho tiempo después decidí retomarlo y la semana pasada me senté a terminarlo. Empecé dándole un color beige al poste y a la nevera y con negro pinté la parte de adentro y la sombra de abajo.

*Step 2: a long time later I decided to go back to it and last week I sat down to finish it. I started by giving the pole and the refrigerator a beige color and with black I painted the inside and the shadow below.


*Paso 3: a continuación coloreé las letras de la nevera con amarillo y azul.

*Step 3: next I colored the letters on the refrigerator with yellow and blue.



*Paso 4: llegó el momento de ponerle color a las piernas y espalda de la chica, para lograr la tonalidad de la piel mezclé blanco, amarillo, un poquito de naranja y de rosado. Pinté el muro y la tierra, la parte de adentro de la puerta de la nevera y comencé a darle un aspecto viejo con sombras grises.

*Step 4: It was time to add color to the girl's legs and back, to achieve the skin tone I mixed white, yellow, a little orange and pink. I painted the wall and the ground, the inside of the refrigerator door and started to give it an old look with gray shadows.



*Paso 5: pinté el short de la chica con muchos colores y las sombras de su camisa blanca. También empecé a marcar los detalles de la tierra y el muro.

*Step 5: I painted the girl's shorts with many colors and the shadows of her white shirt. I also started marking the details of the ground and the wall.



*Paso 6: quise cambiar el fondo de un surtidor de gasolina a un paisaje natural así que puse un árbol detrás de la nevera y al fondo unas montañas y varios árboles.

*Step 6: I wanted to change the background from a gas pump to a natural landscape so I put a tree behind the refrigerator and some mountains and trees in the background.



También pinté la sombra que proyectan el poste y parte de la nevera / I also painted the shadow cast by the pole and part of the refrigerator

*Paso 7: pinté las sombras y las luces en las piernas y los pies de la chica. Como se trata de una nevera vieja tiene óxido en varias partes, entre ellas en las letras, utilicé un marcador de color cobre para resaltar las partes oxidadas.

*Step 7: I painted the shadows and highlights on the legs and feet of the girl. Since this is an old refrigerator, it has rust in several places, including the letters, I used a copper-colored marker to highlight the rusty parts.




La puerta de la nevera tiene varios detalles como las bisagras, las gomas y el óxido / The refrigerator door has several details such as the hinges, rubber and rust

*Paso 8: para darle un aspecto más realista a la tierra y crear más detalles utilicé marcadores marrón y gris y un marcador punta fina negro para hacer las piedritas y algunas sombras. También le puse hojas al árbol de atrás y pinté más árboles al fondo al pie de la montaña. Como verán, pintar paisajes no es mi fuerte 😬 jajaja 🥴.

*Step 8: to give the ground a more realistic look and create more details I used brown and gray markers and a black fine tip marker to make the pebbles and some shadows. I also put leaves on the tree in the back and painted more trees in the background at the foot of the mountain. As you can see, I'm not good at painting landscapes 😬 hahaha 🥴.



Debo practicar dibujar paisajes, árboles y montañas 🥴🤔🤭🤷🏻‍♀️ / I must practice drawing landscapes, trees and mountains 🥴🤔🤭🤷🏻‍♀️



Usé acuarela gris y marcador negro para realzar la acera de atrás / I used gray watercolor and black marker to highlight the sidewalk behind



Y aquí esta el resultado final 😁. ¿Habrá encontrado esta chica la limonada 🥤🍋? 🤔

And here is the final result 😁. Has this girl found the lemonade 🥤🍋? 🤔


Me encantó hacer esta pintura, llevo poco tiempo en la técnica de la acuarela y estoy aprendiendo con cada nuevo proyecto, obviamente tengo muchas cosas que mejorar, empezando por los paisajes jajaja, la verdad es que nunca me ha llamado mucho la atención pintar paisajes y creo que se nota 😬🤭, en esta comunidad hay gente que pinta paisajes de manera espectacular. De todas maneras es importante aprender a dibujar de todo porque eso nutre nuestro trabajo como artistas así que empezaré a ver tutoriales y a practicar 😉.

I loved doing this painting, I have only been in the watercolor technique for a short time and I am learning with each new project, obviously I have many things to improve, starting with the landscapes hahaha, the truth is that I have never been very interested in painting landscapes and I think it shows 😬🤭, in this community there are people who paint landscapes in a spectacular way. In any case, it's important to learn to draw everything because that nourishes our work as artists, so I will start watching tutorials and practicing 😉.

Bueno amigos, espero les haya gustado, me gustaría leer sus comentarios, consejos, críticas y sugerencias para seguir mejorando con la acuarela. Muchas gracias por su tiempo, salud y felicidad infinitas para todos 🌞🍀.

Well friends, I hope you liked it, I would like to read your comments, advice, criticisms and suggestions to continue improving with watercolor. Thanks a lot for your time, infinite health and happiness for everyone 🌞🍀.


Foto de referencia / Reference photo

Todas las fotos fueron hechas y editadas por mi con mi celular Redmi 9T y me pertenecen / All photos were taken and edited by me with my Redmi 9T cellphone and they belong to me

Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.
Hasta la próxima.


Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.

Until next post.



Nice one! I almost forgot that our superhero Gatubela is also an amazing artist :) Versatile as Leonardo da Vinci :)

@tipu curate 3

😼💃🏻 thank you 🙏
🙈 oh wow! 😳 that's a great compliment 🙈 thank you @phortun 😌🤗 What more would I like than to be even 10% like the great Da Vinci? ☺️ although I always tell my sister that I often feel like a little Da Vinci because I like to do many different things, even though I'm light years away from his talent hahaha 🥴 but the important thing is to create and not give up because practice makes a master or at least keeps you busy hehehe 🤷🏻‍♀️
But yeah, the truth is that I am versatile 😼😉

Honestly, in my case, the first Leonardo that I admired was the turtle ninja Leonardo since I loved that series as a kid haha :D I think you are of a similar age like me so I´m sure you know that series too :) Later in my life, however, I found out who this turtle ninja was actually named after :D Yeah, da Vinci is and will always be one of the greatest and most versatile geniuses who have ever lived on Earth :)

I know that series, it was very popular here in the 90's, not only i'm TV but also on notebooks, school bags, t-shirts, cereal toys, etc. I watched it sometimes although it wasn't one of my favorites 😂😂 🤷🏻‍♀️
Da Vinci was too ahead of his time in every aspect, he liked to go to the markets and buy the animals that were caged there for sale, then he went to the forest and release them, he was even a vegetarian. Did you know that he made very few paintings because he said that painting seemed boring to him? 🥴😂🤷🏻‍♀️
He had too many talents and he was excellent at all of them, I think he was an alien hahaha 👽🤔

Yeah, the Ninja Turtles were very popular here too, I loved them :) I think that Leonardo was actually my first "superhero idol", me and all of my schoolmates wanted to be like him back then :D

Agree with you on da Vinci. He seemed to be like many centuries ahead of everyone back in the Middle Ages. Incredible man.

I think Leonardo was and still is the favorite ninja turtle of the majority hahaha.
Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the most extraordinary human beings ever born on this planet ✨

Awwww... Sweet work @gatubela friend!

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Thanks my dear friend @jlinarep, I'm happy you liked it. Have a nice weekend 😺🤘🤗

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🙏 I'm grateful, thank you for the support 😺🤘🤗


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Thanks 😺🤘🤗