Digital Painting, Showing The Beauty Of Women

in Sketchbook8 months ago

Hello Hivers! Today I made Another digital portrait of women. During making this portrait I did many mistake but finally I achieved my desire result after hardwork with dedication.
Here is the final result.


After all hard work is done I am satisfied with end result of this portrait.
This Portrait has many steps and I want to share every step with you.

Creating Sketch Of Painting



Filling Colors

Choosing the right color is more necessary for painting because colors are the soul of painting and Colors are the tongue of painting which displays the message of painting in front of others.



Final Step

In the Final Step I use cutout filters to inrease the beauty of women because the second name of women is beauty or beauty queen.

Thanks For reading and visiting my post and don't forget to drop your comments in comment section before leaving if you like my art work.



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