Black Rain (2023) Original Drawing

in Sketchbooklast year

Black Rain 2.jpg
Black Rain
Pen and marker on paper
Jaundré van Breda

Hey guys. It’s been a busy week for me so far. I’ve managed to create some new art in the meantime. I’m working on two acrylic paintings as well.

Black Rain 3.jpg

Black Rain is one of my latest pen and marker drawings. Those familiar with my former artworks will notice I returned to one of my earlier techniques. I suppose it could be described as abstract art.

Black Rain 1.jpg
Black Rain 3.jpg

Please keep an eye out for those paintings I’m working on. I’m excited to share them with you!


Such awesome work you present here. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much.

You are welcome. I hope it helps.

Amazing piece.

Thank you.

I loved them, they would look great as a room decoration.

Maybe a larger format. Depends on the size of the room. And thank you.