RIP my brother, 30th day after you left us and we still miss you

in Sketchbooklast year (edited)

Hi,I want to share my new artwork for you, hope you enjoy it.
Previously, let me tell you a little about my drawing this time, he is my cousin, my old brother, who died last month while carrying out the Umrah pilgrimage in Mecca and tomorrow is the 30th day he died. He is one of my loyal supporters, especially in art, he often gives advice and suggestions when I need him, he is a jovial man, once our family laughed out loud because of his hilarious behavior, we really miss him, I hope one day I will visit his grave in Mecca, amien.

To finish this drawing I used HVS paper as a drawing medium, 5H graphite pencil to draw a basic pattern and charcoal pencil to shade.

Stages of work

Final result

Thank you for you support guys
Best regards @kharrazi