Saturday Sketch

in Sketchbooklast year (edited)


So after the desktop locked up, I can finally get back to writing this post. I'm being patient at the moment. In the past week everything technical is having hiccups. So rather than create more stress for myself, I'm just going with the flow. After all, I don't want to end like the subject of my latest sketch.

A person's life is written on their face, and this face has is one of many trials. I could draw only beautiful faces, but that lacks the drama of the stories that could be told.

I've included a scan of the work in it's beginning stages. It looks like he has a black eye.

That's all for this evening. I'm getting back to some of my other creative projects.

Until the next one!


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You could only draw beautiful faces but why limit yourself unnecessarily XD

I get really mad when I have to fix tech issues. I don't have time for this level of nonsense! XD Hope everything was a relatively easy fix :)

Ever heard of Mercury Retrograde? I'm just keeping my cool and going with the flow. Being forced to review things has been good for my trade chart component. I've gone back and made good progress with it now. 😀

Yes but I don't understand a lot about that side of things.

Yay for progress xD

I just pushed the latest up date to NPM and GitHub. Live demo can be seen here:

TradeX-chart Live Demo

It looks very vivid albeit black and white. It's a nice piece of art 🎨