Wednesday Sketch

in Sketchbooklast year (edited)


I believe the image I used as a reference for this sketch is from a famous stage performer from the late 1800s. These old classic photos can make for great references because they have a style to them that differs from today.

When I come across these images on the internet I collect them. There must be many many more out there slowly disintegrating in storage somewhere, having never been scanned.

A professional photographer friend of mine, some decades ago, was initially resistant to digitizing her old photography negatives, until one day she discovered, much to her horror, that the negatives have a shelf life. She then acquired a PC and scanner and busied herself with scanning a career's worth of negatives.

She still has the negatives, but the digital images are now an insurance, as long as she keeps the data backed up.

But nothing is permanent in this world.

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Saludos @leoplaw , para un artista todo las imágenes disponibles son un rico universo. La imagen permanece en la mente del creador también de manera efímera. No obstante, ese pequeño instante en el que contemplamos la imagen es eterno. Gracias por compartir tu dibujo, te quedó genial, está interesante el resultado.

Gracias Francis! Las imágenes pueden vivir mucho después que nosotros.