Inktober 2021, Day 2: Suit

in Sketchbook3 years ago

Suit - Ink drawing, 21x16 cm, 2021
Reference image

Day 2 prompt was - suit. Spacesuit then? Which one? None other than the legendary 2001: A Space Odyssey’s red/orange suit worn by David Bowman. If you have never seen this amazing Kubrick film, you are definitely missing out, and my inner sci-fi nerd is shaking head and silently judging you. The film was created in 1968. The first time I saw it I could not believe how well made it was. Not only the plot line but also the visual effects were excellent. Some of the sci-fi movies created today are nowhere near a match to what was achieved by Kubrick 53 years ago. It is brilliant! Timeless masterpiece!

Part of the inspiration to create this particular suit came from one of my new inks, the Autumn Oak. I felt it would be a perfect fit for the job and I was not wrong. It was the first time I worked with fountain pen inks, but after some testing on a blank sheet, it was clear to me that this piece will be a blast.

“Open the pod bay doors, HAL!”

I spent some time studying the features of the suit and figuring out the posture. Those bits remain behind the scene, in what I call the messy sketches. They are so messy and I did not even try looking, I am too shy to show them ever. Yet they are part of the process before I come up with the final pencil drawing seen in the right upper corner in the above image.

I then lined the whole piece with the Pigma Micron fine liner 03 since I felt there were a lot of tiny little details that required a more delicate tool as well.

Working with inks is my favorite bit. It is where everything becomes alive before my eyes. I loved observing how wherever I touched the Autumn Oak with water it lit up brightly after drying creating the dance between shadows and light hitting the surface of the suit. I also used a bit of layering technique on parts of the suit to create the texture and the fabric of it. I used the Diamine drawing & calligraphy Jet black ink for the darker colored and metallic bits.

Aaaa! I could not be happier with the result! After I had finished working on it, I stared at it for quite a while. I felt even more inspired to keep working on the coming prompts.

An autumnal image of the day again matches the vibes of Inktober and even today’s prompt!

Song of the day: Juche - Enight


Good choice on the space suit and nice color and posture choice. It's all very well done!

Thank youuu! At first all those tiny little details seemed scary, but I am glad I spent time to incorporate them. I had so much fun working on it.

great another inktober follower, i really like your art i hope to see more soon, greetings:D

Aww thank you so much, I see you are a fellow creative person with immense talent there yourself. Greetings to you too and you are always welcome to visit or give me your honest thoughts here :)

These fountain inks seem really cool. How difficult are they to use?

Did your dad experience with watercolor help?

Yep, and so fun to see the changes as they dry and transform slightly too. I feel they dry about as fast as the drawing ones, which is quite fast and that makes them a bit more difficult to work with than, for example, it would be with watercolors. And if you accidentally make a smudge or a splat somewhere where you did not intend it is almost impossible to fix. So it is like you are working as fast as you can, and try to be careful while not tripping the wires xD

Watercolor experience helps a bit when it comes to creating the effects in the ink. It behaves similarly to watercolor as soon as touched by water, it will sort of run away to the sides.

the autumn oak is a really gorgeous color!

I could not agree more and the diversity of tones that can be created is amazing as well. If I add more water, it turns more yellow, if I wait for one layer to almost dry and add another it turns more red or orange. Can recommend to try these! :)

What stunning suit colors!

Thank you @veta-less! I am so happy I chose this ink, so much can be done with it, so many variations in tone can be achieved with it too. Diamine is an awesome brand from UK.

Yes, this ink looks very beautiful. I would like to have Autumn Oak in my collection) I'm not sure I have seen this brand in Russian stores. But I think I can buy them online.

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Hey there kitty! Are you enjoying autumn too or are you looking for a warm spot to cuddle up in a bundle with the blanky? Gives the pets