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RE: Art Journal : Sketching in March

When I started practicing drawing, I wasn't sketching everyday but along the line, I made a prerequisite to do so and started seeing some tremendous growth. I believe constant practice is good when on has the time.

Your skills are good. I love the way you made that lady's curvy even though it wasn't that much in the reference image.

How about focusing on drawing a portrait this time? Let's see how it goes.


Thanks and also for the tips, that makes sense that do some drawing each day should make some good progress.

I will have a look at what portraits I could do. I have ordered some Anime style books, so I wonder if I might find a style that I enjoy. 😊

Yeah, just like the saying goes, practice makes perfect.

Oh that would be nice. You can start by drawing your self - self portrait😊

haha, thats a good idea! cheers!

Oh yeah!
Have a great Sunday, buddy👍

Thanks you too! 😊