Terminator - Pen Drawing


Hello everyone!

Today, I present to you my new artwork done with pen.

The work depicts a full metal body and a transformed terminator wearing a steel jacket.

This is a drawing of Half human, half tech - the tech part is filled with iron in form of a computerized body. However, the human part has been completely transformed to tech.

Reference photo source

The work was done with a blue ballpoint pen on a cardboard paper.

Below are my steps:




Thank you.


Awesome drawing

Thank you bro.

Nice creativity man🥂

Thanks buddy👍

Great art work. Creativity is highly appreciated

Thank you bro. Nice to see you stop by.

Wonderful original Terminator rrrr 😠😤

Haha, that you!👍

Very crazy looking guy. Excellent job on this portrait, Maxwell! 😎

Really crazy and fierce but strong!

Very nice drawing. That movie remains a bomb! I really like this drawing!!!!

Yeah, it was interesting watching it at a younger age. Thanks for dropping by.

This is a very nice drawing. Thanks for such nice posts...

Hey great one! Not an easy one to do with a blue pen. Terminator is definitely one of my favourite franchise. At least the two first ones... Well done!

Yeah, you are right. Took a lot of time to add those darker shadings.
Thank you for dropping by.

i became nostalgic bro

Wow, this is great work. Nice sketch there... 👍👍👍

Thanks buddy👍

You are welcome

Great job bro and astalavista.

Thanks bro. Much appreciated👍

Wow love it 😍😍

Thank you! I'm glad you love it!