
There's a lot of stuff that comes through so a LOT of things don't get seen. The best way to get seen is to regularly comment on other people's posts that you like (about things relevant to that post).

Specifically for a post like this people are inherently lazy so not everyone will bother to click through to the video. Most of the front ends only do highly specific embeds so if you want to include video you'll need to use Youtube or Vimeo if you want the boring but otherwise easy mainstream things or 3speak or dtube if you're feeling a bit braver (the latter two integrate with hive).

Additionally there are some people who steal artwork and post it pretending that they made it and they usually look like this (picture with a little bit of text) and as your name here and the account name you've linked to on Instsagram are different and your blog is currently all over the place stylistically they may think you look a little bit suspicious.