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RE: Artsy Patsy #1: Never too old to learn anything

in Sketchbook2 years ago

Hey there, @beautifulwreck! Nah, all ain't well. My spine injury's back after 6 years. I'm on PT now but feeling better today. I hope you are doing great! :)

Inspiration is one thing and action is another. In order to go limitless, we have to believe that we can actually do whatever we set our minds and hearts into. Or if later on, we found out we couldn't really do it, at least we tried.

I used to say "I'm afraid to swim. I don't think I can do it" "I'm not a reader so I won't read books" "I'm not creative so I won't try any sort of art" "I suck at Math so I'm not getting any work with Math" "I tremble when I speak in public, maybe I should hide forever and avoid speaking in front of people"

All these turned out to be lies I've been telling myself for the longest time and when I started believing that it's okay to fail and to fail endlessly until I learn a thing or two, I've accepted the fact that failure is inevitable. And if I had to fail more than I could imagine just to explore where my potential ends, I'd gladly do so.

I hope we all find peace and joy in doing the uncomfortable. ❤️

I'm very excited about the dance class, too. 😂 Once my spine ain't hurting anymore, will definitely enrol right away! 😁


Hi! I'm sorry to hear that your spine injury is back. Wishing for a speedy recovery for you, hope that PT helps.

All these turned out to be lies I've been telling myself for the longest time and when I started believing that it's okay to fail and to fail endlessly until I learn a thing or two, I've accepted the fact that failure is inevitable. And if I had to fail more than I could imagine just to explore where my potential ends, I'd gladly do so.

Been there, done that. I like the way you summarized it. Awesome mindset!

Feel better soon, stay happy and safe.❤️