#Inktober2022 - Day 31 - Farm.

in Sketchbook2 years ago


Hi everyone! 😊

Today is the last day of Inktober, and the prompt was "Farm".

I wanted to create a pretty scene with musicians animals.


The sketch was quite hard to do. It makes me some time to find what animal to draw, in which position and with which instrument.



The final drawing looks like a bit crowded. So, to let it breathe a bit, I paint some elements in different values to distinguish instruments from animals. Also, it makes the foreground stronger and more readable.


I hope you will like it! 😊

I notice that I had a lot to say about this Inktober challenge, that I have managed to keep up every day.
So, I will write an article about it, what was difficult and what not, what I learned from it, etc...

So, see you soon, have a nice day and and a happy Halloween! 👻


Cool reminded me somewhat of rebellion on the farm, good job😀.

Thanks 😊
I haven't read it yet, I already read 1984 and this one is on my priority wish list 😁

Haha, really funny and creative. Those creatures are having fun in the farm😀

Thank you! 😊