Pencil drawing - Big wild black cat

in Sketchbook2 years ago

For a few days, I wanted to draw a little
It was only today that I found the right time
And now I want to bring my drawing to your attention
This is a drawing of a black leopard that I drew on the crate paper
for the drawing, I used some soft pencils(5B, 6B, HB) and some colored ones - white,green, yellow and black.


next I invite you to see the drawing process!

First I drew the lines of the drawingThen I started to paint the dark areas

And then I continued to fill the picture with a tone using a soft pencil 6BThen I blurred the pencil a little with a piece of soft fabric

At the last stage, I added hair details, nose and eyes.Collage with all drawing steps

Using the Google Photo Service, I created an atom animation to create a sketch.

the reference of my drawing can see at this link.
thanks, for your attention!
I wish you all the best!


Beautiful ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Thank you very much!

I'm waiting for your other drawing❤❤❤

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You're welcome @saleg25, that's with pleasre! Thank you for your constant involvement here 😊👍

You are very talented. maybe one day you can draw me too 😂

Thank You!

Nice drawing!

Thank You!

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