Perspective study

in Sketchbook4 years ago (edited)


Learning about perspective

Different types of perspective have been categorized within the drawing, Aerial perspective, One-point perspective, Two-point perspective, Three-point perspective etc. Learning about perspective is very important for every artist if you want to give depth and coherence to the background of your drawings, for example. And of course this subject will not be easy although not so difficult neither, but his understanding requires a conscientious learning and observation.

This video explain it better


It has not been easy for me to understand this subject, especially since there are so many things that I would like to learn at the same time and sometimes I don't even know where to start, but understanding perspective helps a lot of enriching our drawings.

I will continue studying the subject and I also share with you the progress of this learning journey

The macaw

For now I want to share with you dear friends of hive the creative process of this small drawing that I made, I hope you like. 😉








  • Technique: Ink on paper.
  • References: 1 - 2

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The only way for you to fail and not achieve your goals is, if you give up and don't ever try. - @shimozurdo


Wow! I love this so much

Hey man thanks!!

Very cool drawing with this perspective... Great job

Thanks @heroldius, even I have seen some artists they don't use rules for that, that is crazy man!

Awesome Artwork. Upvoted and rehived to 4,700 people. You have been added to the Artist OG_Curation Trail by @offgridlife

Great!! Thank you @offgridlife

You are very welcome. Keep creating great works.

I'll do ✌

Very good but for me, the man could be even smaller. Keep up the good work!

Yes , I realized. Works with perspective is serious thing, thank you for your advice