The cloud and the rain (oil on paper)

in Sketchbook4 years ago

Happy Monday and a nice start of a new week to you all! Today was te closing day of the bookstore where I work with my friend Elena and my hubby @paolobeneforti, so I had a lot of time to work on my art. As I wrote some days ago I'm trying to find the right idea for some small "creation" customers asked to me for the Christmas time, but at now I'n not enough satisfied by the result and so I'll continue to work on my usual artworks too. ^_^

I just finished my latest oil on painting and so I'm here to show you "The cloud and the rain":


It's an oil painting on 200 gsm paper in A4 size and soon I'll add it to my shops hoping she find a new home. ^_^

I sold a similar one days ago and so I thought it was time to paint another of my character with the air in form of a cloud. This time I forgot to take some pics during the process, sorry.



Well, now I have to work on a new prototype for Christmas, see ya soon and stay safe,


***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder ( and on Etsy ( ^_^ ****



e i tuoi quadri continuano a piacermi sempre, complimenti. Che ne pensi degli sviluppi di Hive e Steem? Voi usate entrambi o solo uno dei due?

Ciao Luigi, grazie per le belle parole! Noi siamo passati completamente ad Hive. Considera che eravamo su Steem da circa tre anni, abbiamo anche partecipato alla SteemFest a Lisbona conoscendo "dal vivo" tantissime persone da tutto il mondo. Adesso la stessa comunità è qui e noi con loro <3

come pensavo. Parole super sincere, hai uno stile unico, dove siete voi?