The Frea(K)cats are coming back (acrylic on paper)

An happy Tuesday to you all!
Maybe some of you remember the paper dolls in form of animals I used to create years ago. Along the time I sold the most part of them, but yesterday, cleaning a corner in my lab, I found a little wooden box where I stored a small group of them. Watching those funny paper dolls, I decided it was time to create some new similar ones and so I did it! ^_^

I had some scraps of 300 gsm paper and so I cut the shape of every part of them and I spent my pause from the other artworks working on a new "Frea(K)cat"!

In the following pics, you can see the final result:



In the past I painted different animals using the same "tecnique" (articulated paper dolls) and also some human figures in different size, like the ones I created the previous year for my solo exhibition. The cats of the series I call Frea(K)cats are my favorite ones, because I have so much fun to image them and it's really fast to create one of them, so I can use my pauses from other works in a fruitful way. :P
To paint this one I used acrylic colors with a touch of white ink and I took some pics while I was painted it so you can see the process too:






I hope you like it and, if you want, stay tuned to see other new similar ones!
See ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
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You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
^ ****


Greetings Dear Silvia,

Lovely Idea....thank you for showing the process.

He is darling! ^__^



There she is....Thank you again!

Wowowow!!! My dear @bleujay , I love so much how you framed the artwork. ❤️<3 <3 Thanks so much, dear friend! ❤️

Hiya....Thank you for your enthusiastic reply dear happy to hear you are pleased.

We are smitten with her. hehe

She is so content...she spreads it wherever she goes. ^__^

Ciao/Cheers! xx

Oh, what a nice cat, you'll be happy! I don't have any cats now, but in June our little Norwegian forest cat will arrive!

I love those paintings on the body of the cat and I love the tail too
You did well!