📷 New landscape sketch

in Sketchbooklast year

Have a nice day! If you follow my publications carefully, you have probably already noticed that I really like to draw landscapes, therefore I am more of a landscape painter than a portraitist :-) So today I decided to show you my new landscape.


This time I wanted to depict a flower island in the ocean. In general, water is probably my favorite element. I would draw it all the time.

This time I used all the same acrylic paints and took a little gouache.

I did not immediately get the shade I needed for some colors. And besides the brushes, I used a palette knife. However, I don't really like him yet, since it's better for them to write on a good expensive canvas. And while I'm drawing on ordinary plywood with a size of 13x25.

And here's what happened in the beginning.
In the new picture, white and cadmium red were used for the bright color scheme of the island, as well as burnt sienna, ultramarine and some other colors that I mixed to get the shade of color I needed... And the rocks themselves are already made with a palette knife.


I must say I broke all records. I have never painted a picture so quickly. Just an hour and 15 minutes. And then most of that time I was just coming up with a plot :-)

Still, it is very important to train daily. I think that in a year I will be able to paint such a landscape in a matter of minutes :-)

I hope you like it?

But since I draw these pictures for kids, I came up with one instructive story for them about a naughty free seagull that flew away without asking from parents to a certain uninhabited island on which met a funny grasshopper...

Kids are very fond of different funny stories. But now they ask me to draw a grasshopper as well :-)

By the way, the teacher says that they have become more compliant and obedient. Since the new picture goes to the very best of them for the whole week.

My friend and I decided to draw one story a week to stretch this pleasure - getting the desired recognition from the Artist in my face :-)

And below you will see some more interesting photos with my new painting.







If you like my drawings, then check them out here!
Thank you for supporting me in my work! Your advice helps me a lot!
I published many of my works in this portfolio on the website "Deviant Art", and in General, during the year of painting, I drew more than 160 paintings, of course some of them are just drawings, so to speak, a sample of the brush:-) But there are also good paintings that have received approval even from professional masters of painting!

Thank you for Your attention and visit.
I appreciate Your feedback and comments.
I wish you luck and have a nice day!
Best wishes!


нарисовать кузнечика? вау!!!! у тебя нет выбора, дорогая! тебе придется учится рисовать таких персонажей, что сама бы ты долго о них бы не подумала 😁😁😁 а может и вообще бы не подумала 🤣🤣🤣 типа кузнечика... чайка смешная! 😀 здорово, что твои рисунки имеет такой сильный воспитательный эффект! а я еще ни разу не пробовала рисовать мастихином. как-то думала купить небольшой для замеса красок, но пока так и не купила

Мастихином рисовать весьма интересно. Да и не одна кисточка не сможет его заменить. Характерный рисунок с ним получается, но это только тогда когда им правильно научиться пользоваться. Поначалу у меня была лишь непонятная мазня :-) И они бывают такими разными, трудно бывает разобраться какой всё-таки нужен для того или другого сюжета..

для меня это еще совсем "темный лес" 🙈 ты молодец: смело берешься за разные материалы. и пастель пробовала и вот уже мастихин. а я ко всему иду долго 😁

... я ещё и эбру пробовала :-)


а что это такое? 🙄

... ты не слышала про эбру? Это рисование на воде специальными акриловыми красками с бычьей (воловьей) желчью :-) По крайней мере так пишут в инструкциях. Я пробовала и мне понравилось


вообще даже не слышала такого 😮

What a beautiful landscape. I really like your style <3

Thanks :-)

Wow, I love it. It looks beautiful.

Thanks :-)

This is so beautiful and it transmits peace, I love it!

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