Study Sketch - Look Unto Hope! It's him! (Scribble Drawing).

in Sketchbook2 years ago


Happy New Year In Advance To You All!

The year is finally going to an end tomorrow and sincerely, I've got so many to thank God for this year, not just about art but I've learnt so much this year and God has been faithful like he's always going to be!

I thank God for life and all that has been coming with it. Today, after so many friendly activities, I decided to work on some study sketches with my scribble skills and fortunately, it really worked it so beautiful for me today like many other days.








Kindly share your thoughts as comments below, I'll be glad to read and reply them all. Thanks.



Dear @tezzmax,

The current HiveBuzz proposal will expire in a few days.

Do you mind supporting our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work next year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, /
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Thank you. We wish you a Happy New Year!

I respect your shading technique , Scribbling!!! Hope to see more of your works , do you achieve portraitures with your scribbling technique??

Yes I do too but I’m not a fan of portraiture.
I’m glad you like my style, thank you so much!

Me gusto mucho el dibujo, mira en verdad siento que expresa demasiado. Para mi me transmitió ese momento del día después de un agobiante día de trabajo, de esos malos días que están llenos de gente tóxica, clientes desconsiderados, tráfico, pleitos, personas que te miran, personas que te juzgan, injusticias. Esos malos días que llegas a tu casa y solo quieren descansar y te acuestas, y pasaste todo ese día aguantando todas esas malas cosas y apenas te acuestas en la cama salen las lagrimas y se siente como si ese sillón o esa cama te engulleran gracias a tus propios sentimientos de agobio. Me parecio muy bueno,muy expresivo. Me gusto tu dibujo.

I really liked the drawing, look I really feel that it expresses too much. For me it transmitted to me that moment of the day after an exhausting day at work, of those bad days that are full of toxic people, inconsiderate clients, traffic, lawsuits, people who look at you, people who judge you, injustices. Those bad days that you come home and you just want to rest and you go to bed, and you spent all that day putting up with all those bad things and as soon as you lay down in bed the tears come out and it feels like that couch or that bed is gobbling you up thanks to your own feelings of overwhelm. I found it very good, very expressive. I liked your drawing.