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RE: Sketchbook 020 - Being dramatic on paper & Reworking an old painting

in Sketchbook24 days ago (edited)
Hello, dear soul... I understand your mindset here. Those "Blahs" can permeate right into your brain... yes? Like a hang nail that always catches on your sleeves. Or that one clock that doesn't change with Dalight Savings. A constant reminder of those things that really get under the skin. But to me... what matters here, is that you are aware of the situation, and you are doing something to try and take your mind off of it. I am curious what music you were listening to when you made your art creations. I could imagine something like, Tool, NIN, or even Black Sabbath.

"Either way, things are looking up and I think I might finally be getting a little bit better at this art thing, now I just need to improve about 97% more 😆"

This is a positive end, to a very unique post. I hadn't seen your words in our Thoughtful Daily Post Community before. So I wanted to stop by and say hello... Keep resonating with this positive energy, my friend I hope you have a good rest of your weekend... Love and light...




Greetings! Thank you for the lovely comment and kind words. 😁

You definitely understand the emotion behind this, nice to know that it isn't unique to my strange little mind. "Hangnail always catching on a sleeve" Is a lovely way to describe it, like that very much.
As for the music, while all of those are on my playlist and often played in heavy rotation, I was listening to a Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds and also Suicide at the time. (I am quite obsessed with music)

This was my first post to the community, a friend suggested it a while ago, felt right at the time!

Thank you for stopping by to say hi, it is very much appreciated. Have a lovely weekend, good vibes and love, always!


well then! Thanks to that friend, that suggested your visit! (Jacob Peacock, perhaps?) If you like Nick Cave... perhaps then, you are familiar with dear Dax

Perhaps you have jammed to the Vool?

I too... love music. The Universal Language... One more... Atomship

lightWorker_banner (1).jpg

😁Yes, it was Jacob. He's a cool dude.

It blows my mind that there is still new (and good) music to discover.
I like to say that my favourite people are the ones who share music and add to my playlist, so thank you! I haven't heard those before, but love them! Especially Dax ❤️
Today's drawing session should be great now. 😁

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