Nature Today: The Beauty of the Wild

in OCD4 years ago

Today's post goes to the wild plants that I found in the wood a couple of days ago. As I love getting involved with nature, I managed to capture any subject that I considered worth a shot. Jus like these following pics, they are the common plants that we probably use to find in the forest or even in the bunch of bush around our place, but their existence is often ignored. That's why I always like to deal with them when I felt I needed something to fresh up my mind. So, I am gladly presenting some beautiful pieces of nature. I really hope you like them as I do.






CameraNikon D7000
CategoryNature Photography

The bokeh IS impressive, woooow.
The focus is really good.
I might just get this camera.

also if you could add more details, like aperture, shutter speed, etc Id love to know.

Great work

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