Entrepreneur Is My Wish

in OCD4 years ago


Hi my beloved hive friends : welcome back again with my post for today is about My father's shop which is now where I learned to be an entrepreneur.


This is visible from inside my parents shop from inside. This shop has photocopying, screen printing, printing, selling office stationery and others, and besides that there is selling small cellphone cards which is my side business besides keeping photocopies, this business is my first attempt, and I must be able to develop this business so that you can do other businesses.


I took this photo in a dark enlightened state, because I have posted this place before, but the photos are different. I sometimes feel happy, sometimes I feel bored, but it has to be done whatever it is, but boredom will always appear, even though I have to fight boredom, maybe because every now and then that's why I'm bored.


I really hope that in the future I have my own shop, at a young age and I can be proud of my parents especially, can be happy for my family and siblings, and I hope that I can be a successful young entrepreneur, and can marry young with people who really love me for this. آمين يارب العالمين


Pursue your dream as hard as possible so that you can achieve everything you've dreamed of so far.



I hope you are successful in your business of phone card sales,and always keep a positive attitude, it is you will make a difference. Cheer up!

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Semoga saja terwujud aminn

dreams are coloured pink and mild violet, or maybe iridiscent, not that dark and colorless, as your photos in this blog :)

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