Eglisau a charming village

in OCD5 years ago

Between lush green vineyards and bordering the Rhine is Eglisau, a very charming village in the Zürcher Unterland, Switzerland. The Rhine winds its way through the middle of the village and creates a fairytale landscape.


Zwischen satt grüner Rebberge und angrenzend an den Rhein befindet sich Eglisau,eine sehr charmanten Dorf im Zürcher Unterland in der Schweiz. Der Rhein schlängelt sich dort mitten durchs Dorf und sorgt für eine märchenhafte Landschaft.


The measures to contain the Covid 19 pandemic appear to be working. In many countries, it has been possible to reduce the average number of people infected by an infected person. That is why we allowed us a little excursion yesterday for the first time after the Lockdawn.



The Reformed Town Church of Eglisau is located on a steep slope in the east of the old town.


Die Reformierte Stadtkirche Eglisau befindet sich an steiler Hanglage im Osten der Altstadt.


Here the stone bridge over the Rhine near Eglisau with a length of 130 m
Hier die Steinbrücke über den Rhein bei Eglisau mit eine Länge von 130 m.


very inventive and practical in front of the restaurant, offered green fresh herbs, since 11 May, restaurants can serve guests again.


Thank you for coming by, have a Pleasant Day everyone!


Manually curated by ackhoo from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much!

Most welcome! :)

Pretty scenes... Pleasant day to you too! :)

Many thanks!