When God sleeps.....

in OCD4 years ago

Episode 2

It was a Monday morning, the day was bright as ever little did we know that it was going to be a gloomy day.
Dad was getting ready for work why mom helped him dress his shirt collar. I was in the kitchen trying to pack my siblings Lunch bag so as to hurry and follow dad in his car why he drops me by before going to work while mum will take my younger ones to their school.

Dad was still a young man in his early forties. He was my hero because he is the most special person in my life.

He was a civil servant working with a big transport company were he rose to the position of a manager by dint of hardwork.

He is a man of great value who takes delight in helping people not because he has much but because he knows what it feels not to have anything as he narrated in his story of how he suffered to get were he is today.

He was born into a polygamous family having 24 siblings from the same father but different mothers.

He happens to be the second and only son of the first wife in a number of 13. I don't know the reason why the father took another wife .I thought maybe he wanted more sons .

His father had transferred the wholesome love and care to the second wife and children who gave him many boys which became his pride.
You know the stigma that is associated with a woman that could not give the husband a male child; that was the case of my dad and the mother who was now left to cater for for the younger ones.
He suffered terribly to give his mother and siblings a reason to live ,until he came up to a height were he could think of having a family that could be called his own.

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Mum was not left out as she was born into a family whose father was a native doctor and pays little or no attention to them as he pays more attention to his rituals and fettish acts.Disgusting right?

Through self striving,mum managed to finishing her secondary school and got a job as a clerk in a post office where she met my dad and from there courtship began and marriage was lated consummated.
Their marriage was blessed with 5 children and I being the eldest.

Hi swidy ,i will be on my way to the office and sure to get you some crunchy package."
Dad said as he laid a soft kiss on my forehead.
Alright dad I love you.
I love you swidy ,be careful and have a nice day he added.

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when he got to the office that faithful Monday,; did I just say faithful?
No it can't be a faithful day,it was just a cruel day for me ,the day that deprived me of my joy; a day I cursed.
He was given a sack later.Did you just do aah?
I wish that could have been the only thing I did but I did much more than that because I got a bitter pill which I couldn't swallow neither could I spit it out.

The crime he committed if any,or the reason why he was giving an impromptu dismissal from work still lies as a mystery in my aching heart because dad never got the chance to tell me why.

And the more I try to know ,the more I dissipate my energy trying to gather an already split milk.

So depressed about his relief of duty ,he drove down to the bank to make some withdraw ,there he got the last struck that broke the camel's back.
The bank has folded.

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He managed to come pick me from the school,from a distance a glance at my hero's face , I knew all was not well .
He wasn't wearing that smile that makes me fall in love with him over and over and immediately ,my feet grew cold.

All is not well.Dad please tell me what is wrong I asked. He simply managed to smile.
The smile was so fake,it never triggered my own smile,I never fell in love with him this time around because the spirit was no longer connecting.

This incident he never told me about while driving home.
A number of times he tried so hard to smile and talk to me but all this my heart knows it was fake.
I noticed he was not concentrating on the sterling as he constantly enters into potholes without trying to slow down.

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I tried to look towards his direction and engage him in a talk to keep him alert,to know if he can be moved to talk to me or even give me a sincere smile.
All I heard from the front was a very loud noise and the next thing was a total blackout.

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Next episode coming up soon....