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RE: Think like a Viking; Part nineteen

in OCD3 years ago

It's an interesting quote, quite profound for me and carries the weight of a double edged sword I suppose.

Something I evaluated recently - a decade ago I would have moved swiftly and with decisive action in the face of - well pretty much any challenge, especially situations where my life was at stake - this happened a couple of times and as Mr D would say "Yes, but did you die?" The answer was "no" - mostly based on clear, concise and well formulated decision making encompassing the most critical parameters at play as well as the variables that could be taken into account.

This served me well for much of my career and life, although I wasn't particularly well liked in some circles as people often found my ability to be assertive intimidating.

Nobody would have dared call me a coward though. Fast forward, I have no excuses really for being cowardly recently in my life other than to remark occasionally a wounded warrior needs to hear a battle cry over the fray in order to find that courage you speak of to overcome the things that hold one back from forward motion, I will fully own and take responsibility for that as I can see it clearly for the situation that it was.

Galen I've been called so many things in my life and recently some of the most abhorrent and ridiculous things - I am choosing to not even allocate energy to it, it really is so below me, it is below you too, Illegitimi non Carborundum



I like the wounded warrior needs to hear a battle cry over the fray reference. It's exactly the case. There's always something that triggers responses, either the do nothing, head in the sand response or the stand the fuck up and take a step forward response. We've all done both I think. I like that you're owning it also. There's little choice but to do so I guess, despite it seeming easier to apportion blame elsewhere. Owning it is accountability and it's that which often sounds quite like a battle cry, scream of defiance and unwillingness to capitulate.

Illegitimi non Carborundum. Indeed Andy.

Somehow I doubt that you are a coward. You will rise to the occasion when it counts the most!


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