Abstract fall painting.

in OCD4 years ago


Hello dear friends, yesterday after kids went to bed, I decided to make an abstract acrylic painting. I knew it was going to be trees and a lake, but I didn’t know the technic and the style I was going to use. I just worked as I felt it had to be while painting.

This is my palette of the colors I used.


Step 1. I did a horizontal line that is separating the sky from the lake and put some paint right on the canvas.


Step 2. I wanted to use a sponge to use instead of the brush to stamp my paint, but I didn’t have any. I found my kids’ sponges that have star shape but I thought it would work:-) I used white and ultramarine for the sky and all the other colors for the trees. At this stage you can’t really see what is going to appear at the end.


Step 3. I started pulling the trees paint down to the lake area. Where it looked like not enough of colors I added from my palette. I drew some bushes with black paint.



Step 4. Now is time for the trees’ trunks. I used palette knife to apply black paint on the trees.
I did all the same for the reflection on the water.



Step 5. The last step is making highlights on the water surface. I let the paint dry a bit and then applied white paint with my palette knife. Also, I put a little bit of yellow on my trees.


Here is my result!


I hope you enjoyed the step by step photos. It was really fun. If you didn’t know how moms get some rest from their everyday routine, then this is it:-)

Thank you friends for visiting my blog!


Oooh, I like! You make it look so easy! Very nice result. 😃

Thank you so much!😊