Hive childhood contest

in OCD2 years ago

Childhood is not the same for everyone
I have heard many women say, "Children can live without a father, but not a mother."
Hearts devoid of these words and emotions are those who have spent their whole lives under the shadow of their parents, they probably have no interest in what life is like without a father.
Nor do they have an idea of ​​how they are being disbelieved.
Both the mother and the father are extremely important in the child's life.
If a father was not really necessary, then Allah would not give the responsibility of becoming a father to any man.
Was this difficult for Allah? We have the example of Maryam and her father's son.
If a man was not qualified for this responsibility, then why did Allah create a father-like relationship?
Is life without a father really as simple as it has become in this society?
Both mothers and fathers differ in degrees, characteristics and importance just as their abilities differ.
If the mother endures the physical pains before and after the birth of the child, then the father feeds the child for the rest of his life and fulfills their needs to the best of his ability.
The father is not just a machine to meet financial needs, but an unseen umbrella that takes on all sorts of troubles from the sun and rain and does not allow you to be affected.
The significance of this umbrella becomes clear on the day this umbrella is taken away from our heads.
The father is the "pride" of his child, and when a child's pride is taken away from him, his inner turmoil is not visible to others, but his personality is severely distorted. I can't say that she is living a mechanical life while fulfilling the responsibilities of mother and father at home, but she expresses this breakdown in different ways.
As a teacher, I come in contact with a wide variety of children every day, but taking care of and educating children who have lost their fathers in infancy becomes the most difficult task in the world.
Because just as ten fathers cannot play the role of one mother, so ten mothers cannot play the role of one father.
This is a void that no human being, no other relationship, no other love can fill all his life.
When it becomes difficult to estimate a blessing given by Allah, look at the condition of the person who is deprived of this blessing.
please! Before this blessing is taken away from us and the halo of light that haunts all the sufferings around us is suddenly extinguished, recognize the importance of this great being in your homes and praise and love.
There is no harm in putting some of the slogans we use for mother in my father's swing.
