Dragonflies and nature around them

in OCD4 years ago (edited)
Hi everyone's!!!

How nice it is to see a dragonfly enjoying the charm of nature by a lake or in a river channel where wild plants are blooming on the banks, while a dragonfly perches on it comfortably.

Personally, I really like the insect species called dragonflies. If asked to choose, I will select Dragonflies, then select bees and butterflies.

Because dragonflies are unique, sometimes not all insect species are as unique and skilled as dragonflies.
There are so many advantages possessed by these flying insects, so that many people take their examples and make them as symbols or examples.

Our region is one of the countries where there are many dragonflies both in rural, coastal, and other areas that are frequently visited by flying species including dragonflies, however, it is unfortunate that not many have studied them although there are, but very few.

So there is very little academic information about dragonflies. It is said that there is very little because there is very little interest in learning from the community, so that only a few people spread across several regions in Indonesia know and always observe several species that are considered important.

If we study them, it turns out that they are very powerful and unique in the flying insect scene. Then where is unique or great? Well! For information about it, see some of the reviews below:

Dragonflies are the first flying insects

If currently seeing an object flying in the air is not taboo, but a very common thing, an object that travels in the air is something that humans really want and this is because humans cannot fly using their limbs, except using a special tool that can lift his body weight into the air as high as he wants.

In the insect world there is information that one of the first species to walk in the air using its wings originated from the dragonfly, it is said that dragonflies have been in the carbon age about 360-290 million hundred years ago, meaning they have been on this earth for a very long time. In addition, they are the first to fly through the air among insect species.

This means that the presence of dragonflies among creatures on this earth has been around for a long time, but the dragonflies in that era and in our region today are much different both in terms of size and flight power. However, from another point of view, it is still the same, this has been proven from one of the ancient dragonfly skeletons discovered by experts in this year (Will be explained in a future post).

Body physical shape (anatomy)

As explained in the previous post about 3 months ago or above, the anatomy of the body was touched on even though only slightly. But the body is either very athletic or very powerful and beautiful (in my opinion), the completeness of its anatomy is perfect when compared to some other famous species.

Even though the body looks very small from the human point of view, this is due to differences in people who are looking at the object in view. The body of the dragonfly itself has a complete and orderly composition or is neatly structured as an amazing tool.
Information about it that has been collected neatly with a perfect concept such as:

  1. The head is nimble in turning
  2. The athletic or perfect thorax has some space
  3. Has a special chamber abdomen, or has six limbs
  4. The abdomen consists of 9 to 10 segments and appendages
  5. Has four strong wings with special muscles.

The elements of his body which are neatly arranged and structured starting from the head, chest, chest, stomach, tail and wings make him look handsome (dashing) when flying or perched on one of the plants he wants.

If dragonflies are in your area, this indicates that the location is safe from pollution

You and I very often find dragonflies in rural areas and very rarely in cities even though they exist in cities, but their numbers are very small. In general, they are often seen in several locations outside urban areas such as:

  1. Mountains
  2. Swamps
  3. Lakes
  4. Rivers
  5. Rice Fields
  6. Beaches
  7. and other locations with stagnant water.

Why do dragonflies so often make this location a nesting location for laying eggs, because dragonflies are instinctively sensitive to this natural pollution, so if your area looks a lot of dragonflies then it indicates your area is safe from pollution that is not good for health.

Children in our village, especially on the beach, very often play with dragonflies, they make dragonflies a fun media for playing, if we ask children, they answer that dragonflies have beautiful and amazing postures.

Never mind children, when we pay attention to their own posture, of course we are also interested for the reasons mentioned above. They are very dexterous in flight, and also very good at catching their victims, and what is even more fun is when they see two dragonflies flying simultaneously.

They are great and beautiful !

When we see it flying in the air, and always pacing independently in every location, then our feeling who sees it will feel happy, why?
Because its existence here is a sign that the location is still natural and healthy for one's body, because nature is said to be still natural when it is seen that many different dragonfly species still live in our territory.

When the dragonfly is in your area, it means that the nature around you is still friendly to the environment, so you can see many plants, animals, and other natural objects around it.

However, unfortunately they are decreasing day by day. The existence of dragonflies in the previous year was very few, but now we must protect and preserve the nature around us from air pollution so that they return to our territory. In 2020 or rather today they have been seen here. Perhaps the result of the cessation of human activities in a few months starting from March to June, so that nature will update itself automatically.

To be continue...
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In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
Photo SettingsOtomatis
ThemesDragonflies and nature around them ✉
Text referencePersonal observasi ✎


Grreat post! These little creatures are probably one of my favorite ones. They're so beautiful and weird.

Thank you so much buddy @whack.science! What you said is very true I also really like it.