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RE: 3 Years Old - A Flashback to the Past

in OCD3 years ago

Holy cow I totally forgot about bid bots.
They ruled the roost, and any honest account holders (like us) didn’t stand a chance and marvelled at the often ludicrous rewards.

Didn’t realise I had joined Steem at a similar time to you (I thought you were a 2016 guy)
Our experiences will have been very similar being new on the platform. Building out accounts.

Happy birthday, it’s fun and weird to look back.
But you do know that YOU’RE a big account now who new Hive users look up to?! You always have very healthy rewards for your posts (rightly so) so I bet that’s a good feeling.
New users still here in 3 years will be like “I remember joining and seeing the massive rewards from an account. The avatar was an insane slobbering man, I think it was Slobberchops, he seemed to love hanging about in shitholes. And I was like woah, how do I do that?? My vote was only $0.001 and I wanted what that guy had” etc etc

Have a good day man!


I don't know how I got here, just some belief I suppose. I felt bad that people were voting for me, and I could not give anything back. The answer was to buy STEEM, as so I did. !WINE

Congratulations, @slobberchops You Successfully Shared 0.300 WINE With @ashtv.
You Earned 0.300 WINE As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 3/4 Successful Calls.

Total Purchase : 24375.125 WINE & Last Price : 0.290 HIVE

WINE Current Market Price : 0.400 HIVE