A struggling child

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

The story of a struggling boy, in school he endlessly learns.
Yesterday was the day of determination to be the best.
To win the painting cup.



Zaskia is his name.
He's still in school at the children's level.
Zaskia without stopping continued to learn.
Even though it rained, he went to school.
The painting event began, and all the children were given painting tools by their teachers.



The names of the winners are already there. All the children started praying he wished he was the winner.
But zaskia's fate says otherwise. The winner is a schoolmate.
And zaskia smiled, seeing her close friend get her.



Perhaps luck has not sided with him,
One day great luck will be in the zaskia.
That's the story of a boy who enjoys seeing his friends happy.

Thank you for visiting my account
Greetings from @asklanbudi🙏