Introduction—My First Expression to the Legendary World

in OCDlast year

Hello to the World of Legends!! I warmly Welcome to all of you on my blog. It is my first interaction to Hive Community. At the start, I am excited as well as happy by starting a new carrier of life here. In this excitement, my mind is embedded with complexity of thoughts and feelings. I don't know where I should take start of my introduction and where I have to end. Anyway, I shall do my best to reveal a summary of my personality that hopefully will leave a good expression on you as an old man had said,"First Expression is the last expression"
From start of my blog I hope and pray, our bond will bring pleasure, happiness and build a strong connection with you and me on the basis of trust, love and respect. I 'm Mohammed Aslam. I belong to the beautiful part of Asia that has Heaven Like Kashmir and Land of Saints like Multan to Whom Our World named Pakistan. Yeah! I am Pakistani and I always feel proud of my motherland.

After my introduction, I shall say thank to my friend @deviliclucifer for introducing this platform to me on a social media. I can remember the great moment when we met in a Zoom session about Corona This online meeting was a great start of our friendship. Thank you for your time to give me a good understanding about this platform. I hope, we shall prosper good and groom well under the shade of Hive Community.
After this, I want to open more chapter of my personality. I am the extrovert type of person that love to play gaming, snap beauty of nature, capture the good moments, travel to expose secrets of universe and share ideas of invention. I 'm motivational speaker as well as a good teacher. Yeah, I did teaching to support my educational finances. I have many students all around Pakistan. Few Months ago, I joined my student tour. It was a well managed tour by a school where I have taught for three years. Can you find me in the Galaxy of Stars and Future Leaders? If you can, I shall be more happy.

Currently, I am doing online courses for web designing, Graphic designing and content writing. I 'm also fond of learning about Blockchain and Metaverse. I want to invest my time and money on NFTs with rare art, Blockchain and Metaverse that had bloom in marketing.

I 'm also interested in getting Master Education in IT from developed countries. Hence, I am making preparation for some HEC Scholarships offered to students. Sooner, I am hopeful for getting admission for Master and Phd in Australia, Twain, Italy, France and Germany. I have a dream for showing excellency in the field of technology.
It was enough from my side, now I love to see some words from you on my blog.


Welcome, come and join my academician account!

Hello @aslamrer sorry that we missed on your introduction. Good luck on hive and keep up the great work!

Anyway, just additional extra tips from me @macchiata a part of @lovesniper team from @ocd. There are some information that I want you to have a look:

  1. Exploring communities on hive OCD Communities Incubation Program and for all communities on hive
  2. For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.
  3. The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server or you can tag @macchiata if you have further question. I'd be happy to help.

Have a nice day and have fun exploring hive!

Thank you, finally I have seen @lovesniper on my post. Yeah, I am already learning from these different discord servers. Hive community is love, they cooperate and guide me from basic things. I am hopeful for doing my best with my rare skills here.

Welcome brother. You did it. I am so happy to see you here. Finally a better place for you to show your creativity. I'm feeling the vibe that you’re gonna show us a new way of education and new lessons. So dear teacher, welcome to Hive. A big hug.

This all credit goes to you, you are my best friend indeed.

Welcome to the Hive community @aslamrer!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, Keychain, Peaklock, and Hivesigner,
  3. The master password and the owner key are only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your password or keys; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. DO NOT OPEN any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hiveans available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!

Thanks man for bringing many good advices and for appreciation.

Welcome my friend yo this hive platform and I wish a happy journey for you ..!!

Thanks man for Your warm welcome.

Welcome to Hive ♥️

Hi aslamrer, so great to see a fellow traveler joining Hive! We've been around for over 5 years, building a community of travelers on Hive. I see that you are posting from ecency which is awesome, but the beauty of the Hive blockchain is that there are several websites available to use Hive! brings together all the benefits of Hive decentralized blogging with features that you as a travel blogger will love: Photo galleries, Instagram embeds, custom maps, post scheduling and more. And if you want, you can even use our easy site builder to set up your own travel blog on your own domain which can be a great way to generate a passive income from your blog!

You can log in with your Hive account on to publish your next travel post, and it will be posted to Hive automatically! Every day, we select the best posts and reward them with an upvote and added visibility.

See you around!
