Guess Who is here? The lady next door @awero.

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone,
Goodevening from me to you!
Its a wonderful evening here at Ibadan ( western part of Nigeria).


I'm Phebe, a greek name meaning Light/Brightness. I love my name Because its very different from the usual names around.
I reside in Nigeria, Oyo State precisely.


I am married and we have a charming son, I studied Hospitality and tourism but currently in the business of shopping and retails and I make wigs as well.

pictures of wig I did

My love for cooking made me venture into the course Hospitality and tourism and very passionate about Home cooked Meals and pastries , also I love music.



My dislikes range from a variety of things from Activity to activities but to mention a few are Dishonesty, soccer, and sea foods!
Looking forward to posts on Life and relationship, business and entertainment, and others as I plan not to limit myself to anything but explore and cut across different sections and segments. I found out about this platform through my bestfriend @lifeoflade and I hope to read and learn through written contents and also bring and share informations on various aspect as time and season may permit.

MrandmrsE_nuga2019 (98 of 215).jpg
picture of @lifeoflade and i

My favorite book of all time is "Half of a yellow sun" by Chimamanda Adiche Ngozi, my favorite all-time movies are "love don't cost a thing, " the Originals" " Vampires diaries " and "Merlin"
I'm also very New to blockchain and my knowledge about it is very basic and not in depth. I also hope I learn as I continue in this platform with time.
I love love, I believe in friendship and togetherness.


Thank you for having me.


Welcome onboard bro,

Explore the platform to the fullest

Thank you for the welcome
Although I'm not a Bro* I'm a woman.
Thanks all the same

It's good to have you here Sis. Congratulations and enjoy your time here.

Thanks for introducing the platform to me ...thank you for the welcome too love

Welcome awero!
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Thank you for the welcome, will read through and follow as stated.

Hello @awero! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first blog here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome to Hive!

We have amazing Communities to explore or you can check out the Communities Incubation Program.If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here.

Also, letting you know since content on the Hive platform is monetized, using other people’s ideas or images could be considered as an offense and which is also viewed in a serious light on the blockchain. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Thank you so much, i will explore various communities and contribute my quota. I will read through and follow the rules and regulations on this platform...Thank you for having me.