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RE: Economic Impact of Lock down

in OCD4 years ago

Yes, Paris will do fine. And not just the island nations. Places like Santorini, won't do fine. Also the data talks about nation as a whole. Cities, states, are often severely affected.

In the US, take the state of Hawaii. It's one of the poorer states and almost entirely dependent of tourism for the local economy. If you ask the people of Hawaii to fish and be happy; well that's not going to work.


Yes, and pineapples. Hawaii will be hit, but domestic tourism from the US and federal $$$ puts them in a much better position than an independent island state.

These days my vacations savings are looking very good because I can't really do much. I wanted to go to Japan, but they have other ways to make money, so I'll probably go to the Philippines or some other tourist spot in SEA where they lack domestic tourists and robust economies.