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RE: Ask Them Anything - @galenkp vs @tarazkp - Bro vs Bro

in OCD4 years ago

Taraz; did you know in that picture posted below; you look almost identical to Virat Kohli? :)

I need more time to write a proper response to you both. But this is one of the coolest fun things I have read recently!


They're both great writers.

I think this concept a nice way to bring two people together at a time to genuinely get to know each other better or share a little more about themselves than they normally would. Them being brothers sure made this real and meaningful. AMAs seem to be a bit inefficient and off the cuff, so something like this helps people really sit and think with less pressure.

I'm going to try to make this a running series if I can assemble enough people who are willing to support the spirit of the concept.

Thanks for the feedback.

I read Borat at first :D Very Naaiiiice!

It was a bit of fun to write awith Galen and perhaps give the audience a way to see how we got here today :)