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RE: Why we have to share our posts on Web 2

in OCD2 years ago

Oh wow, I'm sorry. I was thinking so hard of a community this would fit in and I just couldn't come up with anything so I figured I might as well drop it here cause it also mentions posh which is somewhat of an ocd project if I'm not mistaken. I'll keep this community in mind next time I write a Hive marketing post. Thanks a lot @erikah


No worries, we're here to help.

We have a community for posh, the HivePosh, that you can check out as according to the description, it is for Sharing links to centralized social media to make people aware of Hive.

There's also the Hive Marketing community, for Social media campaigns, marketing, advertising or outreach for Hive.

See which one suits you better 🙂

Thanks a lot


You're welcome and thanks for the tokens.