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RE: Man Up

in OCD4 years ago

Do remember the scene fro war of the worlds where Tom Cruise and his kids are hiding in the basement and he has to kill that guy with a shovel? The look on his sons face and the way Tom Cruise acts that scene is want of my favorite cinematic moments of all time. Anyways I always felt that when it comes to my children I would do whatever it takes to protect them. In fact I have no doubt in my mind I would do the same. As you say some of the best protection we can provide is psychological. Giving hugs, teaching lessons, and listening. Nice thought here.


Yeah I do remember that and yeah, good film-making.

Being prepared and being a provider takes more than a momentary action - at least from my perspective.

Good to see you here.

I also like the emotions around Mel Gibson and his sons in The Patriot. One of my favourite movies.

I'm not a parent and so have no clue about all of this so cant really comment much further. All I know it's that if I was a parentI feel my child(ren) would be prepared to face what comes at them in life, be able to think laterally, responsibly and take ownership of themselves and their actions. Or...Maybe they'd be complete fuck ups. Who knows.