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RE: Hook, line and thinker

in OCD4 years ago

I used to be part of those that believe that writing was a talent and not something that could be learnt or something that anyone could dive into. But with putting together my own introductory post, it gave me the ability to really learn and even unlearn certain things. In as much as my posts or writings will be from my own point of view, it will definitely be more flexible and not as rigid as it would have originally been. Another beautiful write up. Thank you.


Write and write and write - especially when you are not in the mood, or in a bad mood, or are tired or angry. You don't need to write about those things directly, but it helps.


Thank you for this. I actually have not been in the mood today to even read talk less write. Just one of those days that you can't shake the funk. I really appreciate

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