Friday's Best Family Meal

in OCD3 years ago

Yesterday was Friday, we were all around and I knew what the best for us. Thinking about what best food for the family is something that I feel showing my love in cooking for us.It's because I love family bonding together while enjoying the foods that I cooked.


I already knew how to cook this perfectly and everytime I made it, I make it sure that there will be a better taste. How I felt flattered when they appreciated my cooking system and nothing left behind. No left over means, my cooking recipe was satisfying. Remember, not all man can do cooking but I can do it!


When it comes on frying fish, there is a secret on how to make it crispy nor crunchy. Giving the fish enough salt and washing it thoroughly are one of those procedures how to cook the best way. Be sure to wash it to remove some unnecessary odor of the fish and then fry it. Don't getting rush. Fry it in moderation of the heat.


This recipe is something for cheat meals. I was supposed not to cook this but we are all craving to have it along with the two recipes. Well, we need to have a perfect Friday night meal so, I cooked these three recipes. I enjoyed doing it because those were for the family.

Have a nice day everyone!