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RE: My Newbie guide: Making an Introductory post.(Template inside)

in OCD4 years ago

I bring in a lot of people to the network and the aim is to make people see how to make an introductory post not to get three rewards of an introductory post. This is like the least of my problem... My problem lies in having not to explain something over and over again.

I refer some people to the tag and they still complain and ask these questions.
You can check most of my referrals not all, i some times have to sit down with them to post and do some corrections.. some of them jusr want a push.

The post was based on frequency of questions i received and nothing more..
That's a picture of me trying to help a newbie..

I am sorry i used the introduce yourself tag..

Thank you for your observation


But you are using the tag yourself, and that great amount of work getting people onboard is the way it works when you onboard people.

This way the tag is abused, you are abusing the intro tag

Would remove it... what other tag would have been best because i have never used it for anything asides introductory post..

Thank you for stopping by ...

Dont you know that the first tag in not removable? But onboarding as that is what you say you do

The first tag is OCD... i have removed it.. thank you for your observation