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RE: Who is CoquiCoin? This is me [ENG-SP]

in OCD3 years ago

I'm glad you stopped by Hive. I've been here for more than four years, it's been hard to evolve and adapt. Now it is easier and with more spectacular results (rewards) than years ago. In any case, the beginning is hard, it takes patience and consistency, a lot of interaction with others. Given your experience in blogging, I think you will succeed faster and I wish you that. Good luck!


Wow, four years is a long time on a platform. When I first stopped here, I was kind of confused since Noise and Read are very simple, but I'm sure I'll find my way. Thank you for stopping by and the good wishes!

With pleasure! is similar to Hive, only it is not shared in so many communities. Essentially, you have to write well, have good photos and interact. I've been meaning to try Read myself but can't find the time to continue...

I think I've read your first article in, but I haven't seen any others. I love the community there. It's very supportive, and I'm very engaged. But I will also like to explore other platforms.
You should give Read a try too. You can write more freestyle there. And photos there aren't as important as they seem to be here.