The beauty of the nature tourism Pocut Meurah Intan Aceh Besar

in OCD4 years ago

Dear Hiver Friends

The charm of the natural beauty of Aceh Besar Regency is indeed seemingly endless to be explored. The area, which is the birthplace of one of Indonesia's Cut Nyak Dhien heroes, holds various natural attractions that are magnets for local and foreign tourists. One of the natural attractions that are quite popular for local residents is Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan.


Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan is a large forest park in which there are dozens of species of protected flora and fauna. In addition, this place has become popular with young Acehnese youth, because there is a unique tree house which is a favorite spot for taking selfies. Tourists can also find natural waterfalls in the forest park this highway.

Administratively, Tahut Meurah Intan Tahura is administratively located in Saree, Lembah Seulawah District, Aceh Besar District, Aceh. To reach the Tahut Meurah Intan Tahura tourists must at least travel a distance of approximately 60 kilometers or travel for an hour from Banda Aceh. The forest park is located between the foot of Mount Seulawah Agam and the foot of Mount Seulawah Inong.

Tourists who want to visit this forest park can use private vehicles or public transportation from Banda Aceh. Road conditions are paved quite well, so that tourists will feel comfortable on the way. Although it is not uncommon to find roads with steep bends, as well as challenging inclines and descent.


The History of the Tahut Meurah Intan Tahura
The naming of the great forest park was taken from a figure from Aceh named Pocut Meurah Intan. Pocut Meurah Intan is a woman who comes from the royal line of the Sultanate of Aceh who helped fight the Dutch. He is known as a brave woman who does not know surrender.

During his life, armed only with rencong, Pocut Meurah Intan bravely ever fought 18 Dutch special soldiers called marsose. He was caught, thrown into prison by the Dutch army and seriously injured until he suffered permanent disability in his legs. The courage of the Pocut Meurah Intan was finally enshrined by the local government as the name of this great forest park.



Enchantment Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan
Overall, the total area owned by Tahura Pocut Meurah Intan reached 6,300 hectares with a topographic condition dominated by hilly areas. This tourist attraction located in Aceh Besar is managed officially by the Aceh Provincial Forestry Office. Tourists who want to visit, must first obtain a permit at the Grand Forest Park.

Once permitted by tourist officials can directly enter this forest park. Not far from the post, by going through the footpaths tourists will see pine forests with tree houses that are uniquely designed. In this Tahut Meruah Intan Tahura, most of it is overgrown by mercury pine trees.

Here are some of the natural beauty of Pocut Meurah Intan:





Regards, @boyacun123
Aceh, June 15-2020


Some beautiful shots. Love that first one. It is very hard to shoot in the rain forest with the crazy dynamic range. The fog helps with that. Keep it up.

Thank you friend...😊😊